Lagu Sekolah Minggu Kristen

Lagu Sekolah Minggu Kristen Free App

Rated 3.58/5 (19) —  Free Android application by Religion In Audio


About Lagu Sekolah Minggu Kristen

Telah hadir aplikasi android bagi umat kristiani -- tepatnya bagi anak-anak yang sangat dikasihi oleh Yesus Kristus. Aplikasi "Lagu Sekolah Minggu Kristen" yang berisi koleksi terbaik lagu anak-anak sekolah minggu (Sunday School) yang dilengkapi dengan ilustrasi gambar menarik dan lirik.

Aplikasi "Lagu Sekolah Minggu Kristen" sangat tepat untuk di-install di gadget android putra-putri kita. Akan sangat membantu bagi mereka untuk dapat memahami nilai-nilai kristiani secara menyenangkan. Sebuah metode belajar sambil bermain.

Aplikasi ini juga dianjurkan bagi para orang-tua dan guru sekolah minggu untuk menambah perbendaharaan lagu rohani untuk diajarkan pada anak. Koleksi lagu rohani anak pada aplikasi ini relatif sangat lengkap dibanding aplikasi sejenis. Aplikasi ini dapat tetap digunakan walau tanpa koneksi (offline).

"Lagu Sekolah Minggu Kristen" berisi:
Aduh Senangnya
Aku Anak Tuhan
Aku Bahagia
Aku Pahlawan Kristus
All Things Are Possible
Allah Membuat Semua Bertumbuh
Allah Penjagaku
Allah Tahu Tentang Segalanya
Anak Anak Milik Kristus
Anak Bijak
Anak Monyet
Baca Kitab Suci
Bahasa Cinta
Berkat Bagi Indonesia
Burung Pipit
Daud Seorang Gembala
Dengar Dia Panggil Nama Saya
Doa Untuk Papa Mama
Every Move I Make
GOD Is So Good
Goliat Datang
Hanya Satu
Happy Ya...Ya...Ya...
Hari Ini Harinya Tuhan
Hati Yang Gembira Adalah Obat
Hati-hati Gunakan Tanganmu
Hormati Orang Tuamu
Hukum Kelima
I Could Sing of Your Love Forever
I Give You My Heart
I Love Bananas
Ikuti Gembala
Jangan Takut
Jesus Loves Me
Jesus Loves The Little Children
Kambing Embe-Embe
Kasih Yesus
Kau Penolongku
Kau Temanku
Kereta Apiku
King Kong Badannya Besar
Kuserahkan Hidupku
Laskar Kristus
Laut Kolsom
Let Everything That Has Breath
Lot Dan Keluarga
Mari Kawan Semua
Mari Tuhan Berfirmanlah
Matahari Bersinar T'rang
Mengasihi Dan Taat
Naik Kereta
Open the Eyes of My Heart
Penuh Harapan
Pujilah Tuhanku
Saya Bergirang
Segenap Hatiku
Selain Kau Tiada Yang Lain
Sembah Yesus
Shout to the Lord
So Good to Me
Sorak Hosana
Trust In The Lord
Tuhan Allah di Tengah Kita
Tuhan Memberiku Kegirangan
Tuhan Pasti Sanggup
Tuhanku Kau Gembala Kami
Worship You Forever
Ya Aku Bisa
Yang Setia Dan Yang Benar
Yesus Besertaku
Yesus Di Dalam Rumahku
Yesus Itulah Satu-Satunya
Yesus Sayang Padaku
Yesus Sayang Semua

Semoga dapat membantu anak-anak Kristiani untuk memahami nilai-nilai Kristen secara menyenangkan. Selamat menikmati!

Alasan untuk meng-install:
* Lagu Sekolah Minggu Terlengkap
* Lagu Rohani anak terbaik
* Lagu anak Kristen
* Audio berkualitas
* Ilustrasi gambar menarik
* Dilengkapi dengan lirik
* Desain sederhana
* Mudah digunakan
* Tanpa koneksi (Offline)
* Gratis
* Mendukung Android Nougat

Android application have been present for Christians - precisely the children were very loved by Jesus Christ. Applications "Christian Sunday School Song" which contains the best collection of children's songs Sunday School (Sunday School) equipped with attractive illustrations and lyrics.

Applications "Christian Sunday School Songs" is apt to be installed in the gadget android our sons and daughters. It would be very helpful for them to be able to understand Christian values ​​is fun. A method of learning while playing.

This application is also recommended for parents and Sunday school teachers to increase the vocabulary of spiritual songs to be taught to children. A collection of spiritual songs of children in this application is relatively very complete than similar applications. This application can still be used even without connection (offline).

"Christian Sunday School Songs" contains:
Ouch Glad
I Am a Child of God
I am happy
I Heroes of Christ
All Things Are Possible
God Makes All Growing
God guardian
God Know About Everything
Children Owned Christ
child Wise
Monkey's kid
Read the Scriptures
Language of Love
Thanks for Indonesia
Who You Are
David A Shepherd
Listen She Call My Name
Prayer For Papa Mama
My prayer
Every Move I Make
GOD Is So Good
Goliath Coming
Only one
Happy Yes ... Yes ... Yes ...
Today's Day of the Lord
Happy heart is a medicine
Careful Use Your Hands
Respect your parents
Fifth law
I Could Sing of Your Love Forever
I Give You My Heart
I Love Bananas
follow the Shepherd
Do not be afraid
Jesus Loves Me
Jesus Loves The Little Children
Goats Embe-Embe
The love of Jesus
you're my helper
you're my friend
my train
The body of the King Kong
I commit My Life
the army of Christ
sea ​​Kolsom
Let Everything That Has Breath
Lot And Family
Let Kawan All
Let the Lord said,
Sunshine T'rang
Loving And Obey
Riding train
Open the Eyes of My Heart
Full of hope
Praise the Lord
My Feast
all my heart
In addition You No Other
worship Jesus
Shout to the Lord
So Good to Me
Sorak Hosana
Trust In The Lord
God in Our Midst
God Gave me joy
God certainly could
You are my Lord Our Shepherd
Worship You Forever
Yes I can
Faithful and True
Jesus is with me
Jesus In The Rumahku
That Jesus the Only One
Jesus Loves Me
Jesus Loves All

May they help Christian children to understand the values ​​of Christian fun. Enjoy!

Reason to install:
* Complete Sunday School Songs
* Spiritual Song Best Child
* Songs Christian children
* Audio quality
* Illustration interesting images
* Equipped with lyrics
* Simple design
* Easy to use
* Without a connection (Offline)
* Free
* Supports Android Nougat

How to Download / Install

Download and install Lagu Sekolah Minggu Kristen version 1.0 on your Android device!
Downloaded 500+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.Religion_in_Audio.LaguSekolahMingguKristenRohaniAnak, download Lagu Sekolah Minggu Kristen.apk

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