行正り香「今夜の献立、どうしよう? FOOD/DAYS」

行正り香「今夜の献立、どうしよう? FOOD/DAYS」 Free App

Rated 4.25/5 (4) —  Free Android application by 株式会社REKIDS


About 行正り香「今夜の献立、どうしよう? FOOD/DAYS」


◆「今夜の献立、どうしよう? FOOD/DAYS」とは?
- 「レシピを選ぶ手間」を省きたい人、お料理時間を「時短」したい人に最適!
- 行正り香が「主菜1品、副菜2品」の三皿献立を、動画で毎日ご提案。
- 作り方のコツ、時短料理のコツ、お買い物のコツなども動画でご紹介。
- レシピを購入しておけば、献立づくりに迷ったときに、材料別、ジャンル別にいつでも検索できる。

- 通勤時間、すきま時間、スーパーに行く直前に迷うことなく「今夜の献立」を、決められる!
- 知っているようで知らなかった、時短料理のコツからパーティーの開き方まで、動画で学び、実践できる!
- 暮らしのコツやインテリア、健康についてなど、行正り香のコラムが、毎日楽しめる!
- リーズナブルなワイン情報が毎日手に入り、ワイン選びに迷わなくなる!

- 7日分の献立、紹介動画を、ご覧いただけます!
- 当日のコンテンツ(三皿レシピ、おすすめのワイン、コラム)は無料。
- ポイントを購入することで、当日以外のレシピ閲覧も可能。
- 購入したレシピは、自動保存。献立づくりに迷ったときに、材料や、料理ジャンルからレシピを検索できる。
- おいしいレシピをいつでも見たい方のために「まとめて購読」もご用意。
- 毎日の献立以外にも、企業とのコラボレーションレシピ(無料)、季節に合った料理レシピ、生活のお役に立つコンテンツ(有料)があります。
- つくった料理の写真をtwitterやfacebookで共有可能。

「今夜の献立、どうしよう? FOOD/DAYS」 は、みなさまの“今夜の献立づくり”をフルサポートしていきます! - Do not hesitate to another menu building! Now you also shorter working hours chef! ~
It was not likely! To solve the problem of menu planning, menu proposal app updated daily. Recipes of Cooking expert-Yukimasari incense reputation for taste, will propose a daily menu on behalf of everyone. Day worth of recipes is free! Tips column and cuisine, delivered by video.

◆ By "tonight's menu, helpless? FOOD / DAYS"?
- People who want to eliminate the "time and effort to choose a recipe", optimizes the cooking time to people who want to "shorter working hours"!
- Yukimasa Ri incense "main dishes one article, side dish 2 dishes" a three-dish menu of suggestions every day in the video.
- How to make tips, tricks of shorter working hours cooking, introduce a moving well as tips on shopping.
- And if you purchase a recipe, you can search when you get lost in menu planning, material-specific, genre separately at any time.

◆ with this app, your life will change this way!
- Commuting time, clearance time, the "Tonight's menu" without hesitation just before you go to the supermarket, it is decided!
- You know I did not know seems to be, from the tips of shorter working hours cooking to how to open the party, studied at the video, it is possible to practice!
- Living tips and interior, such as for health, Yukimasari incense column, you can enjoy every day!
- Reasonable wine information enters the hand every day, we will not hesitate to choose wine!

◆ main function
- 7 days of the menu, the introduction video, you can see!
- The day of the content (three dish recipes, recommended wine, column) is free.
- By purchasing the point, it can also be a recipe view other than today.
- Recipes that you have purchased, auto-save. When in doubt in menu planning, you can search the material and, a recipe from Cuisines.
- The "collectively subscription" is also available for those who want to see the tasty recipes at any time.
- In addition to the daily menu also, collaboration recipes now (free), season to match the cooking recipes, you may find helpful content of life (surcharge).
- The possible share photos of dishes made with twitter and facebook.

- Do not hesitate to another menu building! Now you also shorter working hours chef! ~
"Tonight's menu, what can I do? FOOD / DAYS" is, everyone of you will continue to fully support "of the menu making tonight"!

How to Download / Install

Download and install 行正り香「今夜の献立、どうしよう? FOOD/DAYS」 version 1.0.8 on your Android device!
Downloaded 1,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: jp.fooddays.recipe, download 行正り香「今夜の献立、どうしよう? FOOD/DAYS」.apk

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Version update 行正り香「今夜の献立、どうしよう? FOOD/DAYS」 was updated to version 1.0.8

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