Dosen Wali Unsyiah

Dosen Wali Unsyiah Free App

Rated 4.73/5 (11) —  Free Android application by Universitas Syiah Kuala


About Dosen Wali Unsyiah

Aplikasi Dosen Wali Unsyiah digunakan untuk komunikasi dan diskusi antara Dosen
Pembimbing Akademik (PA) dengan mahasiswa secara online dengan memberikan tanggapan persetujuan mata kuliah yang akan diikuti dalam perkuliahan.

Komunikasi dan diskusi antara Dosen PA diharapkan tetap berlangsung, baik secara online maupun secara langsung (face2face). Mekanisme diskusi diserahkan langsung kepada masing-masing Dosen PA. Mahasiswa akan memilih mata kuliah melalui Aplikasi KRS Online dan Dosen PA menentukan tanggapannya melalui Aplikasi Dosen Wali.

- Pesan antara Dosen PA dengan mahasiswa perwalian
- Daftar mahasiswa aktif, drop out (DO), pernah cuti akademik, telah lulus
- Pemberian tanggapan mata kuliah yang diajukan
- Transkrip nilai berupa nilai sementara, histori keseluruhan dan histori perubahan nilai mahasiswa perwalian
- Kartu Hasil Studi (KHS) mahasiswa perwalian

Akun untuk login ke aplikasi adalah berdasarkan akun SIMPEG Unsyiah dengan syarat sebagai dosen wali yang memiliki mahasiswa perwalian minimal 1 orang. Applications Lecturer Guardian Unsyiah used for communication and discussions between lecturer
Academic Advisors (PA) with online students by giving feedback approved courses that will be followed in the lecture.

Communications and discussions between lecturer PA are expected to persist, both online and in person (face2face). Mechanisms discussion handed directly to each lecturer PA. Students will select courses through KRS Online Application and Lecturer PA decisive response through the application Lecturer Guardian.

- Links between Lecturer PA with students guardianship
- List of active students, drop-out (DO), once an academic leave, has passed
- Provision of courses proposed response
- Transcripts of value while, the whole history and history of changes in the value of students trust
- Card Study Results (KHS) students guardianship

Account to log into the application is based on the accounts SIMPEG Unsyiah with the requirements as a lecturer guardian who has custody of at least one person student.

How to Download / Install

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Android package:, download Dosen Wali Unsyiah.apk

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What are users saying about Dosen Wali Unsyiah

by T####:

Mantap....sangat mempermudah

by T####:

Very good.... aplikasi dosen yg lain di tambah

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