
(株)IAM published 36 applications on Google Play, 706 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.62!

E-Manga Market by (株)IAME-Manga Market

Rated 3.94(16) — (株)IAM

Ayana Taketatsu,Ryo Horikawa,Christopher Sabat,Monica Rial ,Todd Haberkorn and Brina Palencia participate in e-Manga !!An animated cartoon, voice actor enthusiasts gather! It is the introduction application of "e-Manga"! ==================================

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IAMつうしん部 完全無料の声優養成所 by (株)IAMIAMつうしん部 完全無料の声優養成所

Rated 0.00(0) — (株)IAM


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Magical Dreamers(French.ver) by (株)IAMMagical Dreamers(French.ver)

Rated 0.00(0) — (株)IAM

The First e-manga in the World! Vol.1!!Instantly switch between Japanese and French text!※Voice:only JapaneseThe magic school was made into the stage. A magic girl's growth tale!■■Casts(Voice actors)■■▽Voice actors for Japanese ・Maricia...

Magical Dreamers(Chinese ver) by (株)IAMMagical Dreamers(Chinese ver)

Rated 5.00(1) — (株)IAM

The First e-manga in the World! Vol.1!!Instantly switch between Chinese and Japanese text!※The sound is only Japanese.The magic school was made into the stage. A magic girl's growth tale!■■Casts(Voice actors)■■・Maricia Adine / Ayana...

Magical Dreamers(Spanish ver) by (株)IAMMagical Dreamers(Spanish ver)

Rated 0.00(0) — (株)IAM

The First e-manga in the World! Vol.1!!Instantly switch between Japanese and Spanish text and audio!The magic school was made into the stage. A magic girl's growth tale!■■Casts(Voice actors)■■▽Voice actors for Japanese ・Maricia Adine...

MagicalDreamers'sCamera(Free) by (株)IAMMagicalDreamers'sCamera(Free)

Rated 5.00(4) — (株)IAM

You can take a photograph with a frame of e-manga "Magical Dreamers"!!≪Usage of the application≫Choose a favorite frame among the gallery ↓Touch the "カメラ起動" button ↓Take a photograph (a photograph comes out when you touch a screen)...

Free App

Rated 3.97(71) — (株)IAM

The First e-manga in the World! Vol.2!!Instantly switch between Japanese and English text and audio!Common every day begins to change from various encounter.Coffee shop fuss story!!■■Casts(Voice actors)■■▽Voice actors for Japanese ・Aoi...

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【声優ボイスアプリ】声優ボイススタンプ by (株)IAM【声優ボイスアプリ】声優ボイススタンプ

Rated 3.26(85) — (株)IAM

服部平次やベジータでおなじみ有名声優「堀川りょう」の声優ボイスが無料で手に入る声優ボイスアプリです! (声優:宮健一、結城飛鳥、大原実紗のボイスも収録!)□□声優ボイスの種類□□‐大阪弁ボイス‐オレ様ボイス‐博多弁ボイス‐アニメキャラボイス‐X'mas/正月ボイス‐バレンタインボイス‐ホワイトデーボイス‐ひな祭ボイス‐合格ボイス‐卒業ボイス‐入学・入社ボイス‐エイプリルフールボイス‐春ボイス‐GWボイス‐梅雨ボイス‐ジューンブライドボイス‐夏ボイス‐夏休みボイス□□アプリの機能□□...

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【声優ボイスアプリ】声優目覚まし時計 マジカルドリーマーズ編 by (株)IAM【声優ボイスアプリ】声優目覚まし時計 マジカルドリーマーズ編

Rated 3.63(8) — (株)IAM


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【声優ボイスアプリ】声優目覚まし時計 妄想彼女(無料版) by (株)IAM【声優ボイスアプリ】声優目覚まし時計 妄想彼女(無料版)

Rated 3.13(8) — (株)IAM


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IAM Music Player by (株)IAMIAM Music Player

Rated 4.50(2) — (株)IAM

It is the application that a Magical Dreamers theme song opening listens to !You can listen to music while watching a text!Half price time-limited only now!!Because the language change (Japanese ⇔ English) of the text is possible, it is learned Japanese!≪

Magical Dreamers by (株)IAMMagical Dreamers

Rated 4.72(25) — (株)IAM

The magic school was made into the stage. A magic girl's growth tale e-manga is a form of a digital manga which the text and the audio are made in multi-languages, such as Japanese and English, and they are compatible with iPad, iPhone and Android. The...

Magical Dreamers(Chinese Lite) by (株)IAMMagical Dreamers(Chinese Lite)

Rated 4.09(11) — (株)IAM

The First e-manga in the World! Vol.1!!Instantly switch between Chinese and Japanese text!※The sound is only Japanese.The magic school was made into the stage. A magic girl's growth tale!■■Casts(Voice actors)■■・Maricia Adine / Ayana...

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Magical Dreamers(FREE)
Magical Dreamers(FREE) by (株)IAMMagical Dreamers(FREE)

Rated 4.34(61) — (株)IAM

The magic school was made into the stage. A magic girl's growth tale e-manga is a form of a digital manga which the text and the audio are made in multi-languages, such as Japanese and English, and they are compatible with iPad, iPhone and Android. The...

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MagicalDreamers's FrameCamera by (株)IAMMagicalDreamers's FrameCamera

Rated 0.00(0) — (株)IAM

You can take a photograph with a frame of e-manga "Magical Dreamers"!!≪Usage of the application≫Choose a favorite frame among the gallery ↓Touch the "カメラ起動" button ↓Take a photograph (a photograph comes out when you touch a screen)...


Rated 4.14(44) — (株)IAM

The First e-manga in the World! Vol.2!!Instantly switch between Japanese and English text and audio!Common every day begins to change from various encounter.Coffee shop fuss story!!■■Cautions■■If you purchase this app, you can read 'Rainy Cocoa...

RAINY COCOA(Spanish ver) by (株)IAMRAINY COCOA(Spanish ver)

Rated 4.50(6) — (株)IAM

The First e-manga in the World! Vol.2!!Instantly switch between Japanese and Spanish text and audio!Common every day begins to change from various encounter.Coffee shop fuss story!!■■Casts(Voice actors)■■▽Voice actors for Japanese ・Aoi...

【声優ボイスアプリ】声優方言講座 堀川りょう大阪弁編 by (株)IAM【声優ボイスアプリ】声優方言講座 堀川りょう大阪弁編

Rated 4.50(16) — (株)IAM

大阪弁はわかりまっか? 服部平次でおなじみ有名声優「堀川りょう」の音声で楽しめる大阪弁学習アプリ(声優ボイスアプリ)です! これであなたも大阪弁をマスターしよう! ★★★期間限定の半額セール実施中!★★★全ての単語に音声が付いたフルボイスバージョンです===============================...

【声優ボイスアプリ】声優目覚まし時計 妄想彼女 by (株)IAM【声優ボイスアプリ】声優目覚まし時計 妄想彼女

Rated 3.00(1) — (株)IAM

熊本出身の新人萌え声優の可愛いボイスで、お目覚めください!画面にタッチすると、女の子がドキッとする事をしゃべってくれる声優ボイスアプリです!自分の声を録音して、目覚ましのアラーム音に設定することもできます!*妄想彼女目覚まし時計(無料版)と機能は同じです 有料版は画面の広告掲載を非表示にしています<<注意>>・本アプリを使用する際、マナーモードをOFFにして下さい・本アプリを使用する際、端末を横向けにして下さい・アラーム音を停止する際は、アラーム設定をOFFにするか、端末の「戻る」ボタンでアプリを終了して

【声優ボイスアプリ】声優目覚まし時計 雨色ココア編 by (株)IAM【声優ボイスアプリ】声優目覚まし時計 雨色ココア編

Rated 3.57(53) — (株)IAM

絶賛発売中の電子マンガ『雨色ココア』のキャラクターが起こしてくれる目覚まし時計アプリです(声優ボイスアプリ)!下野紘、緑川光、平川大輔、堀川りょうなどの豪華声優陣がキャラクターを演じています!ユーザーの皆さんの自分の声や皆さんの大切な方の声を録音して、目覚ましボイスに設定することもできます。□□アラームの設定方法□□[TOP画面>メニューボタン押下>アラーム時刻設定]・アラームを鳴らす時刻を設定します[TOP画面>メニューボタン押下>アラーム設定]・アラーム音を選択します ※各キャラクターのボイス1は無料

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