VERGE published 3 applications on Google Play, 7 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.33!

La Sénia, Festa Major 2017 by VERGELa Sénia, Festa Major 2017

Rated 5.00(5) — VERGE

El dia 19 comença la Festa Major, la mes gran de les festes, 9 dies de festa, 122 actes. Te la perdràs?. Un programa ple d'actes: Bous, Bou embolat, Correbous, Curses de cavalls declarada d'interès comarcal, Concerts i molt mes. Apunta-t'ho a l'agenda...

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Shopping List by VERGEShopping List

Rated 5.00(2) — VERGE

Shopping list:Forget about turning pages or clicking many buttons. Just a click at the text box and you are inIts benefits: optimizes screen space. It is a simple, fast and agile app.Recommended use:-Type your product and quantity in the shopping...

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Moriger Consulting by VERGEMoriger Consulting

Rated 0.00(0) — VERGE

Moriger Consulting ofrece en Barcelona desde 1998, un servicio de consultoría y selección de personal especializado en el ámbito de la hostelería, la restauración, el turismo y el comercio.Curse su alta en Moriger Consulting y mantenga sus datos...

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