Wendy Ren

Wendy Ren published 2 applications on Google Play, 10 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.38!

Mecha Men by Wendy RenMecha Men

Rated 3.75(8) — Wendy Ren

【簡單有趣】超燃的戰鬥、超流暢的動作!【格鬥遊戲】一招一式動感灑脫、連招特技一學就會!【下載超快】超小包體,馬上下載,進入遊戲!【無聊時間殺手】打發時間必備的伴侶,隨時隨地開戰!遊戲採用次時代引擎Cocos2d-x打造高清流暢畫面,通過虛擬搖桿實現割草般的打擊感,輕鬆體驗快節奏、 掃關卡、炫特效、爽到底的橫版戰鬥!三大兵種多樣化技能,隨意切換上陣先鋒,見招拆招玩策略,弱點擊破有奇招,天賦激活無限潛能,領略超激爽的戰鬥感!更有豪華兵種禮包、每日登陸花樣送禮,海量福利豪禮多多,更多精彩不容錯過!

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Pard Slots by Wendy RenPard Slots

Rated 1.00(2) — Wendy Ren

Enduring and classic one-arm bandit,also known as fruit machine,loin machine,is the emblem of Arcade and E-Game Center.Simple and easy operation,you can play it on phone anytime,anywhere.Also you can play it online with your friends to have fun.Experience

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