apprendre marocain darija-learn morrocan darija

apprendre marocain darija-learn morrocan darija Free App

Rated 4.00/5 (2) —  Free Android application by devlopers inc


About apprendre marocain darija-learn morrocan darija

hello guys .
welcome in our app moroccan dialect .
bienvenu chez nos application la langue marocaine

if you like learning new languages and you want to learn arabic or fusha we will provide a new app soon concerning this.

now we provide you this app about the moroccan dialect so you can learn it quickly and speak it easily.

how i got the idea of making this app ?

well because i meet foreign people in morocco all the time and i can see they find it hard to communicate with moroccan people i told myself why not i make this kind of app to help people speak our language and to help them communicate very well when they visit Morocco.

in this app you will learn to speak moroccan dialect easily .
please make sure that our app is still in development and we will be updating the app daily in order to finish it as soon as possible.

how will you learn to speak moroccan dialect with us ?

well this app which is moroccan dialect it is served to people who don't know how to speak moroccan arabic , so to make the process easy we will use audio files in the app.
each lesson will be recorded with my voice as a native moroccan so this will help you very much to speak the right way .

you can find this app using the following keywords

moroccan dialect
learn moroccan language
moroccan culture
moroccan food

moroccan tajin
how to make moroccan tajine
moroccan couscous

the best places in morocco

welcome in fez
learn arabic easily
moroccan back-pack

vous pouvez trouver cette application en utilisant les mots clés suivants

dialecte marocain
apprendre la langue marocaine
culture marocaine
nourriture marocaine

tajin marocain
comment faire du tajine marocain
couscous marocain

les meilleurs endroits au Maroc

bienvenue à fès
apprendre l'arabe facilement
sac à dos marocain

S'il vous plaît partager l'application avec vos amis et membres de la famille pour en profiter également.
Si vous aimez l'application s'il vous plaît noter.

Sie können diese App unter Verwendung der folgenden Schlüsselwörter finden

marokkanischer Dialekt
lerne marokkanische Sprache
marokkanische Kultur
marokkanisches Essen

marokkanischer Tajin
wie man marokkanische Tajine herstellt
marokkanischer Couscous

die besten Plätze in Marokko

Willkommen in Fez
lerne Arabisch leicht
marokkanischer Rucksack

Bitte teilen Sie die App mit Ihren Freunden und Familienmitgliedern, um auch davon zu profitieren.
Wenn Sie die App mögen, bewerten Sie sie bitte.

puedes encontrar esta aplicación usando las siguientes palabras clave

dialecto marroquí
aprender el idioma marroquí
cultura marroquí
comida marroquí

tajin marroquí
cómo hacer tajine marroquí
cuscús marroquí

los mejores lugares en Marruecos

bienvenido en fez
aprender árabe fácilmente
mochila marroquí

por favor comparte la aplicación con tus amigos y familiares para beneficiarte también de ella.
si te gusta la aplicación, califícala.

puoi trovare questa app utilizzando le seguenti parole chiave

dialetto marocchino
impara la lingua marocchina
cultura marocchina
cibo marocchino

tajin marocchino
come fare il tajine marocchino
couscous marocchino

i posti migliori in Marocco

benvenuto a Fes
impara facilmente l'arabo
zaino marocchino

per favore condividi l'app con i tuoi amici e familiari per beneficiarne anche da esso.
se ti piace l'app, per favore votala

please share the app with your friends and family members to benifit also from it.
if you like the app please rate it.

thanks for using our app

Disclaimer : we have created this app from the begining and we won't allow anyone to use it unless you contact us.
In this app we have used some pictures from pixabay website. hello guys.
welcome in our app moroccan dialect.
welcome to our implementation Moroccan language

if you like learning new languages ​​and you want to learn arabic gold fusha we will Provide a new app soon concernant cette.

now We provide you this app about the moroccan dialect so you can learn it and speak it Quickly easily.

how i got the idea of ​​making this app?

well because i meet foreign people in morocco all the time and i can see They find it hard to communicate with moroccan people i Told myself why not i make this kind of app to help people speak our language and to help 'em communicate very well When They visit Morocco.

In this app you will learn to speak moroccan dialect easily.
please make sour That our app is still in development and we will be updating the app daily in order to finish it as soon as possible.

how will you learn to speak moroccan dialect with us?

well this app qui est moroccan dialect it is served to People Who do not know how to speak moroccan arabic, so to make the process easy we will use audio files in the app.
Each lesson Will Be Recorded with my voice as a native moroccan so this will help you very much to speak the right way.

you can find this app using The Following keywords

moroccan dialect
moroccan learn language
moroccan Culture
moroccan food

moroccan tajin
how to make moroccan tajine
moroccan couscous

the best places in morocco

welcome in fez
Easily learn arabic
moroccan back-pack

You can find this application using the following keywords

Moroccan dialect
learn the language Moroccan
Moroccan culture
Moroccan food

Moroccan tajin
how to make Moroccan tagine
Moroccan Couscous

the best places in Morocco

Welcome to Fez
easily learn Arabic
Moroccan backpack

Please share the application with friends and family members to also enjoy.
If you like the app please note.

Sie können diese App unter Verwendung der folgenden Schlüsselwörter finden

marokkanischer Dialekt
lerne Marokkanische Sprache
Marokkanische Kultur
marokkanisches Essen

marokkanischer Tajin
wie man Marokkanische Tajine herstellt
marokkanischer Couscous

die besten Plätze in Marokko

Willkommen in Fez
lerne Arabic leicht
marokkanischer Rucksack

Bitte teilen Sie die App mit Ihren Freunden und Familienmitgliedern, um zu profitieren davon auch.
Wenn Sie die App mögen, bewerten Sie sie bitte.

puedes encontrar esta aplicación usando las siguientes palabras clave

dialect marroquí
aprender el idioma marroquí
cultura marroquí
comida marroquí

tajin marroquí
cómo hacer tagine marroquí
cuscús marroquí

los mejores lugares en Marruecos

bienvenido in fez
aprender árabe fácilmente
mochila marroquí

por favor comparte the aplicación con tus amigos y familiares para beneficiarte también ella.
if you gusta la aplicación, califícala.

puoi trovare questa app utilizzando the seguenti parole chiave

dialetto marocchino
impara lingua marocchina
cultura marocchina
cibo marocchino

tajin marocchino
come fare il tagine marocchino
marocchino couscous

i posti migliori in Marocco

Benvenuto in Fes
impara facilmente Arabo
zaino marocchino

per favore condividi app con i tuoi amici e familiari per beneficiarne anche da esso.
se ti piace the app, per favore votala

please share the app with your friends and family members to aussi benifit from it.
if you like the app please rate it.

thanks for using our app

Disclaimer: we-have created this app from the begining and we will not allow anyone to use it UNLESS you contact us.
In this app we-have used Some pictures from pixabay website.

How to Download / Install

Download and install apprendre marocain darija-learn morrocan darija version 1.0.1 on your Android device!
Downloaded 100+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:, download apprendre marocain darija-learn morrocan darija.apk

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