「菩提道次第」專集 Buddha

「菩提道次第」專集 Buddha Free Theme

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About 「菩提道次第」專集 Buddha

001  根本論述

  001-01 《菩提道次第廣論》(宗喀巴大師造 法尊法師譯)
  001-02 《菩提道次第略論》(宗喀巴大師造 大勇法師 法尊法師譯)
  001-03 《菩提道次第心論》(宗喀巴大師造 能海上師集)
  001-04 《菩提道燈論》(阿底峽尊者造)
  001-05 《菩提道次第攝頌》(廣本)(宗喀巴大師造 法尊法師譯)
  001-06 《菩提道次第攝頌》(中本)(宗喀巴大師造 法尊法師譯)
  001-07 《菩提道次第攝頌》(略本)(宗喀巴大師造 法尊法師譯)
  001-08 《菩提道次第攝受求加持頌》(宗喀巴大師造 能海上師集)

  002  主要解釋

  002-01a 《菩提道次第略論釋》(上)(昂旺堪布上師)
  002-01b 《菩提道次第略論釋》(下)(昂旺堪布上師)
  002-02 《菩提道次第攝頌略解》(宗喀巴大師造頌 比丘法尊譯)
  002-03 《菩提道次第論科頌講記》(宗喀巴大師造 能海上師集)
  002-04 《學習問答三百六十則滅除心暗曼殊意光論》(絳巴妥默〔郭和卿譯師〕著)
  002-05 《菩提道次第傳承諸師修心語錄》
  002-06 《朗忍要義》(堪布昂旺朗吉上師口授)
  002-07 《菩提大道》(丹增嘉措仁波切講授)
  002-08 《甘露法洋──菩提道次第教授》(祈竹仁寶哲講授)
  002-09 《菩提道次第師師相承傳》(雲增.耶喜絳稱大師著,郭和卿居士譯) (PDF檔,點撃下載)
  002-10 《菩提道次第廣論淺釋》(日常法師釋) (PDF檔,點撃下載)

   003  三主要道


  003-01 《三主要道頌》(多聞比丘洛桑札巴貝)


  003-02 《佛法三根本要義通俗解說》(多識)
  003-03 《甘露心華釋義》(祈竹仁寶哲 述)
  003-04 《打開滿足之門》(堪忍法師 著述)
  003-05 《三主要道》(宗喀巴大師造頌 帕繃喀大師講授)
  003-06 《略說三主要道心要》(昂旺敦振代具德恩師昂旺朗吉堪布講授)
  003-07 《聖道三要》(堪布昂旺朗吉上師口授)
  003-08 《三要所緣次第趨入兜率妙梯》(根敦嘉措著 蔣揚仁欽恭譯)

   004  專門修法

   004-01  六加行:

  004-01-01 《菩提道次第探玄捷徑》(頗邦喀大師節錄於絳巴吞珠仁波切原著)
  004-01-02 《菩提道次第前導六加行法》(能海上師集)
  004-01-03 《菩提道次第體驗引導修法教授》(帕繃喀大師 造)
  004-01-04 《〈樂道〉六加行》(四世班禪大師著)
  004-01-05 《菩提道次第安樂道論》(四世班禪大師著)
  004-01-06 《菩提道次第 明晰引導文 趨入一切種智的樂道》(羅桑確吉堅參著)
  004-01-07 《菩提道次第直授 趣入一切種智速疾道》(第五世班禪大師 洛桑耶喜)
  004-01-08 《菩提道次第教誨 調伏自心狂象之鐵鉤》(大格西香東 丹巴嘉措著)
  004-01-09 《菩提道次第教授 萃取精金》(三世達賴喇嘛索南嘉措 撰)

   004-02  道前基礎:

  004-02-01 《上師五十法頌略釋》(印度大班智達跋維諦瓦大師作)
  004-02-02 《事師法五十頌釋》(馬鳴菩薩 造頌 宗喀巴大師 造釋)
  004-02-03 《菩提道次第心傳錄》(蘭仁巴著多識仁波切 譯)

   004-03  下士道:

  004-03-01 《修菩提道次第初修法門》(慧幢)
  004-03-02 《對治世間八法的方便》(帕繃喀大師著 仁欽曲紮敬譯)
  004-03-03 《策勵自他一切人等痛念無常歌 心匙》(仁欽曲札 譯)
  004-03-04 《心匙講解》(原著:帕繃喀仁波切 英譯:梭巴仁波切 中譯:心月)

   004-04  上士道:

  004-04-01 《修心取捨所廣緣略修法》(雍增.墀江仁波切著 仁欽曲札 譯)
  004-04-02 《平等捨修法口傳教授》(雍增.墀江仁波切著 仁欽曲札 譯)
  004-04-03 《大乘修心七義根本文》(帕繃喀仁波切 編 仁欽曲札 譯)
  004-04-04 《最勝耳傳修心七義論講記》(昂旺朗吉堪布 口授 郭和卿 譯)
  004-04-05 《大乘修心七義論貫注》(伽喀巴大師造 雍增.墀江仁波切著)
  004-04-06 《發心秘授》(五世達賴喇嘛阿旺羅桑嘉措傳授 昂旺朗吉堪布講授)
  004-04-07 《劍輪修心法》(印度 法護大師著)
  004-04-08 《利器之輪》(日常法師開示)
  004-04-09 《大乘菩提心法》(無著賢論師造 修慧語譯)

   004-05  別修止觀:

  004-05-01 《修定修觀法要》(昂旺朗吉堪布 口授)
  004-05-02 《修次中篇》(丹增嘉措仁波切講授)
  004-05-03 《空性》(吉弗裏霍普金斯)
  004-05-04 《勝觀部分摘要》(袞卻格西講授)
  004-05-05 《修空性略講》(李勝海居士譯)

   005  參考資料

  005-01 《宗喀巴大師的》(原載《現代佛學》1957年第十二期)
  005-02 《的造作、翻譯、內容和題解》(法尊法師)
  005-03 《探微》(陳玉蛟〔釋如石〕) 001 discusses the fundamental

001-01 "lamrim" (Master Tsongkhapa statue made law translated)
001-02 "Lamrim On" (Lama Tsongkhapa statue made law Dayong Master Master translation)
001-03 "Lamrim heart of" (Tsongkhapa can build offshore division set)
001-04 "Bodhi Lights On" (Atisha made)
001-05 "Lamrim perturbation Song" (the present Canton) (Master Tsongkhapa statue made law translated)
001-06 "Lamrim perturbation Song" (the present) (Master Tsongkhapa statue made law translated)
001-07 "Lamrim perturbation Song" (abbreviated version) (Master Tsongkhapa statue made law translated)
001-08 "Lamrim Sheshou seek blessing Song" (Tsongkhapa can build offshore division set)

002 main explanation

002-01a "Lamrim Brief Explanation" (on) (Ang Mong Khenpo Guru)
002-01b "Lamrim Brief Explanation" (below) (Ang Mong Khenpo Guru)
002-02 "Lamrim subject Ode slightly solution" (Lama Tsongkhapa statue translation French monk made Song)
002-03 "Lamrim On Branch Song speak mind" (Tsongkhapa can build offshore division set)
002-04 "Learning quiz three hundred sixty eliminated, meaning light on Mansfield dark heart" (purple bar thomas [] Guo Qing Lotsawa a)
002-05 "Lamrim heritage Zhushi cultivating Quotations"
002-06 "Long tolerance to righteousness" (Wong Kan Buang Longinus Guru dictation)
002-07 "Lime Street" (Tenzin Gyatso Rinpoche taught)
002-08 "manna law professor Yang ── Lamrim" (Chi Bamboo Rinpoche taught)
002-09 "Lamrim division division Xiang Cheng Chuan" (cloud increase. Yeshe Jiang said the master, and Guo Qing lay translation) (PDF file, clicks to download)
002-10 "lamrim Explanation" (daily Master release) (PDF file, clicks to download)

003 are three main channels

This song:

003-01 "Three major road Song" (Tamon 比丘洛桑札 Barbados)

Explanation On:

003-02 "Dharma three fundamental essence of popular commentary" (more knowledge)
003-03 "manna heart of China Interpretation" (Chi Bamboo Rinpoche said)
003-04 "Open the door to meet" (Kanren Master Works)
003-05 "Three main road" (Ode Pabongka made Tsongkhapa taught Masters Cameroon)
003-06 "a little heart to say three major road" (Ang Mong Tun Substituting Vibration with Deen division Ang Mong Longinus Khenpo taught)
003-07 "Saint three to" (Wong Kan Buang Longinus Guru dictation)
003-08 "Third, we must hasten the edge sequence into Tusita wonderful ladder" (the root Dun Jia measures Jamyang Rinchen Christine translation)

004 special repair method

004-01 Six Plus line:

004-01-01 "Lamrim explore mysterious shortcut" (quite master Pangkor excerpts in Baton purple beads Rinpoche original)
004-01-02 "Lamrim leading six-plus-line method" (teacher can set the sea)
004-01-03 "Professor Lamrim experience guiding amending the law" (Pabongka Cameroon Masters made)
004-01-04 " six-plus-line" (the Panchen Lama IV)
004-01-05 "Lamrim Lok Road theory" (the Panchen Lama IV)
004-01-06 "Lamrim increasingly clear guiding text into Yiqiezhongzhi Lok Road" (Lobsang really strong participation of Kyrgyzstan)
004-01-07 "Lamrim straight grant interest into Yiqiezhongzhi Suji Road" (Fifth Panchen Lama Luo Sangye hi)
004-01-08 "Lamrim teachings of taming the wild elephant from the heart of the hook" (Big East Danba Hong Geshe Gyatso forward)
004-01-09 "Professor Lamrim extract gold" (III Dalai Lama Sonam Gyatso essays)

004-02 road before the foundation:

004-02-01 "Guru fifty law Ode slightly Buddhism" (the great Indian Pandit Postscript dimension Di master tile work)
004-02-02 "something imitated fifty Chung Shi" (Song Ma Ming Buddha made Tsongkhapa made release)
004-02-03 "Lamrim heart Chuan Lu" (Lan Renba with more knowledge Rinpoche translated)

004-03 corporal said:

004-03-01 "repair Lamrim early cultivation method" (intelligent buildings)
004-03-02 "to rule the world eight methods of convenience" (Pabongka Gurkha master the song Rinchen tie Jing translation)
004-03-03 "spur from his pain all persons read the heart of impermanence song spoon" (Rinchen song Sapporo translation)
004-03-04 "heart spoon explain" (original: Pabongka Translation: Zopa Rinpoche Translation: heart month)

004-04 Sergeant said:

004-04-01 "cultivating choose the wide margin of slightly amending the law" (by Yong. Chee river song Rinchen Rinpoche with XY translation)
004-04-02 "Equal repair homes passed law professor mouth" (by Yong. Chee river song Rinchen Rinpoche with XY translation)
004-04-03 "cultivating seven Mahayana meaning simply text" (Pabongka series Rinchen song Sapporo translation)
004-04-04 "most wins ear transmission repair heart talk on the seven righteous mind" (Ang Mong Longinus Khenpo dictate Guo Qing and translation)
004-04-05 "Mahayana concentrate on cultivating seven righteousness" (Jia Kaba master made by Yong. Chi River with Rinpoche)
004-04-06 "heart and esoteric" (Fifth Dalai Lama Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso taught Ang Mong Longinus Khenpo taught)
004-04-07 "Sword wheel repair Heart" (India and France retaining the master)
004-04-08 "weapon Wheel" (daily Master Disclosure)
004-04-09 "Mahayana Buddha Heart" (without the Yin On division made Xiuhui Translated)

004-05, do not fix meditation:

004-05-01 "revised law is to repair Outlook" (Ang Mong Longinus Khenpo dictation)
004-05-02 "repair times novella" (Tenzin Gyatso Rinpoche taught)
004-05-03 "emptiness" (Jifu Li Hopkins)
004-05-04 " Concept wins partial summary" (Geshe Konchog taught)
004-05-05 "repair emptiness slightly stresses" (Li Shenghai lay translation)

005 Resources

005-01 "Tsongkhapa " (Published in "Modern Buddhism" Twelfth 1957)
005-02 " pretentious, translation, content and problem solution" (Law Respect Master)
005-03 " Exploration" (Chen Shi Jiao as stone [])

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