
MivS published 3 applications on Google Play, 7 people rated these apps with an average rating of 5.00!

Kalkulator CNC by MivSKalkulator CNC

Rated 5.00(5) — MivS

Kalkulator CNC is a tool used to calculate the parameters of cnc machine tools. The application has been moved from platform windows to Android platform, and varied with several options. In it you can find not only the possibility of calculating parameter

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Kalkulator Wypłat Plus by MivSKalkulator Wypłat Plus

Rated 5.00(1) — MivS

Kalkulator Wypłat Plus jest to prosta aplikacja do obliczeń wypłat. Po podaniu wszystkich potrzebnych danych, aplikacja oblicza kwotę netto oraz brutto. Wersja Plus jest kontynuacją podstawowej wersji Kalkulatora Wypłat. Payout Calculator Plus...

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Kalkulator CNC Plus by MivSKalkulator CNC Plus

Rated 5.00(1) — MivS

The CNC calculator is a tool used to calculate the parameters of CNC machine. The application has been moved from the windows platform to the Android platform, and varied with several options. You can find not only the possibility of calculating parameter
