
t_ahman published 23 applications on Google Play, 26 people rated these apps with an average rating of 0.92!

BackToStart by t_ahmanBackToStart

Rated 0.00(0) — t_ahman

The app displays the direction and distance to the saved target location based on GPS location information.When you hold the device in a horizontal position in front of you, the gray arrow shows your latest movement seen by the GPS sensor, the blue arrow.

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Ilmanlaatu by t_ahmanIlmanlaatu

Rated 0.00(0) — t_ahman

Sovellus näyttää viimeisimmän ilmanlaadun ja taustasäteilyn tason Suomessa.Symbolia napauttamalla saa mittausasemasta lisätietoja.Jos GPS on käytössä näytetään yhteenvetotiedot lähimmältä mittausasemalta, muuten valitulta mittausasemalta.Ilmanlaatu-...

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Liikennetilanne by t_ahmanLiikennetilanne

Rated 3.80(5) — t_ahman

Sovellus näyttää viimeisimmän maantieliikennetilanteen kartalla.Symbolin väri (vihreä, keltainen, punainen) kuvaa liikenteen sujuvuutta.Jos tiedot ovat yli 23 min vanhoja symbolin väri on harmaa.Symbolia napauttamalla saa mittausasemasta lisätietoja.Jos..

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TaBubbleLevel by t_ahmanTaBubbleLevel

Rated 0.00(0) — t_ahman

TaBubbleLevel is a simple spirit level (bubble level) application. It can be used to easily check the vertical and horizontal alignment of objects with even surface.Tap 'Calibrate' to reset measurement.

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TaEcoSpeedoMeter by t_ahmanTaEcoSpeedoMeter

Rated 0.00(0) — t_ahman

A small app for displaying current, average and maximum speed, as well as current compass direction and G-forces.Current and average speed are also shown with different colors on an 'eco' bar.Speed unit (km/h, mph, knot) can be selected in this settings..

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TaGramPriceCounter by t_ahmanTaGramPriceCounter

Rated 0.00(0) — t_ahman

Enter product name, concentration, package size and price for the two products, select concentration unit, and the app shows the unit prices (EUR/g).

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TaNfcTasker by t_ahmanTaNfcTasker

Rated 0.00(0) — t_ahman

Simple app for writing and processing NFC tags.App supports writing simple tasks to change phone settings and open a Uri link.

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TaNopeusKamerat by t_ahmanTaNopeusKamerat

Rated 4.00(2) — t_ahman

Sovellus näyttää Suomen nopeuskameroiden sekä käyttäjän GPS-sijainnin kartalla.Kameran ollessa alle 1000 metrin etäisyydellä, sovellus vaihtaa etäisyystekstin värin ensin keltaiseksi, sitten oranssiksi ja lopulta punaiseksi sekä antaa toistuvia...

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TaOttoAutomaatit by t_ahmanTaOttoAutomaatit

Rated 2.50(2) — t_ahman

Sovellus näyttää otto- ja talletusautomaattien sekä käyttäjän GPS-pohjaisen sijainnin kartalla.Kuvakkeen sisällä näytetään lisätietoina: EP = esteetön ja puhetuettu Otto, P = puhetuettu Otto, T = TalletusOtto, 24 = auki 24h/vrk.Automaatin...

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TaReturnTrackGuide by t_ahmanTaReturnTrackGuide

Rated 0.00(0) — t_ahman

Saves the track of movement and guides back to the starting point, with GPS only.During the operation, the application shows the track data in various formats, e.g. as graphical polyline (works without nework connection), in tabular format (duration...

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Finnish ALKO finder by t_ahmanFinnish ALKO finder

Rated 3.58(12) — t_ahman

The app for you who just want to find the nearest (open) liquor store in Finland.The app displays ALKO liquor stores and the user's GPS-based location on map.Tap on a store symbol to view additional information and the distance of the store from the...

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Landmarks by t_ahmanLandmarks

Rated 1.00(1) — t_ahman

Shows the location of the selected target, e.g. a landmark (green), and the device (blue) on a map and the distance from the target.The target point may be entered in either ETRS-TM35FIN (P, E) or ETRS89 (WGS84) (latitude, longitude) coordinates.The...

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TaAccelLogger by t_ahmanTaAccelLogger

Rated 0.00(0) — t_ahman

Collects and stores acceleration values and noise level.When the measurement is stopped the results are saved and shown in a trend display.The X axis is horizontal (yellow), the Y axis is vertical (blue) and the Z axis is through device (red).When showing

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TaClock by t_ahmanTaClock

Rated 0.00(0) — t_ahman

A simple analog clock

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TaGeoSpots by t_ahmanTaGeoSpots

Rated 0.00(0) — t_ahman

TaGeoSpots is a simple application for finding your location (spot) and showing it on a map.You can add comment to the spot and save it to the device.The saved spots' comments can be edited later and spots can also be removed.

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TaHslOnlineInfo by t_ahmanTaHslOnlineInfo

Rated 2.00(1) — t_ahman

TaHslOnlineInfo näyttää valittujen HSL alueiden kulkuvälineiden sijainnit ja linjatiedot sekä kaupunkipolkupyöräasemien vapaat pyörät (ja tyhjät palautuspaikat).Napauttamalla kulkuvälineen symbolia, näytetään välineestä riippuvia reittitietoja...

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TaNoiseMeter by t_ahmanTaNoiseMeter

Rated 0.00(0) — t_ahman

Simple app visualizes approximate noise level near the device.In addition to the current value, minimum, maximum and average values and a short time history trend are shown.As microphones differ from each other the measurements need to be calibrated...

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TaNotes by t_ahmanTaNotes

Rated 0.00(0) — t_ahman

Simple app to create, view and edit short notes with timestamp.

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TaPing by t_ahmanTaPing

Rated 0.00(0) — t_ahman

A ping utility for Wifi or mobile networks.Additionally, shows the device's own ip address.

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TaStopWatch by t_ahmanTaStopWatch

Rated 0.00(0) — t_ahman

Simple StopWatch app with option to store lap times.Alternatively, it can be used as a countdown timer.If supported by the device, also spoken output is available.

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