James DeCarlo

James DeCarlo published 3 applications on Google Play, 16 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.66!

KPL Calculator by James DeCarloKPL Calculator

Rated 0.00(0) — James DeCarlo

This is a KPL Calculator. It takes the kilometers of your last fill up and the kilometers and liters of your current fill up, then computes the kilometers per liter that you get.

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Velocity Calculator by James DeCarloVelocity Calculator

Rated 3.80(10) — James DeCarlo

The Velocity Calculator is a handy physics tool to quickly get your answer. The Velocity Calculator will calculate initial velocity, ending velocity, time and acceleration. As the creator of the Velocity Calculator I look forward to hearing about improvem

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MPG Calculator by James DeCarloMPG Calculator

Rated 4.17(6) — James DeCarlo

This is a MPG Calculator that takes the mileage of your last fill up and the mileage and gallons of your current fill up, and computes the MPG for you.

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