
OpeWare published 5 applications on Google Play, 276 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.79!

Bead Checklist by OpeWareBead Checklist

Rated 3.85(27) — OpeWare

A checklist for ones bead collection! Includes the Mill Hill bead collection and allows you to increment how many beads of each color you have, in addition to marking them as "Need." The beads marked as "Need" show up on the shopping list screen.Also...

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Floss Checklist by OpeWareFloss Checklist

Rated 3.98(168) — OpeWare

An easy to use checklist for keeping track of your DMC quilting, embroidery, and cross stitching floss and thread inventory! Manage your shopping list based on setting the "Need" button on the checklist screen. Also this app now includes a canvas size...

Yarn Inventory by OpeWareYarn Inventory

Rated 3.30(61) — OpeWare

An app for keeping up with your entire yarn stash! Keep up with the color, manufacturer, line, weight, quantity owned/needed of all your yarn. In addition, yarn can be added via templates so you don't have to input the same fields over and over again...

Communication Helper by OpeWareCommunication Helper

Rated 4.00(2) — OpeWare

An application designed to help communication with those with reduced or no verbal skills. Features include:- Easy to use grid system- Add your own folders/nodes to any existing node- Add pictures to nodes/folders you add- Hide or delete existing nodes-..

Stitcher's Helper by OpeWareStitcher's Helper

Rated 3.83(18) — OpeWare

A tool for helping all sorts of crafters track their stitching, quilting, knitting, cross-stitching, embroidery projects and quilt projects! Use calculators, attach images and calculations to projects, track a shopping list: All on your phone!Current...
