TEMofART published 2 applications on Google Play, 225 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.69!

All Chords for Piano by TEMofARTAll Chords for Piano

Rated 5.00(2) — TEMofART

*You can see that this app hasn't any advertising, but I need money because I'm just a student from Ukraine :) You can buy my app and I would be very happy. Thank you!Piano Chords - It's a great app for musicians who play the piano or synthesizer. Here...

Piano Chords by TEMofARTPiano Chords

Rated 4.38(223) — TEMofART

*You can see that this app hasn't any advertising, but I need money because I'm just a student from Ukraine :) You can buy my app and I would be very happy. I also can add sound for each chord if I'll get enough money. Thank you!Piano Chords - It's a...

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