Nemcha Kipgen for Android
Love it
We are chamging and Thanks for the innovative step taken by our Minister...
Hepi pathen in n umpi jing hen
Pi nemcha apha ei
Kipa aume
good work
Fair enough, well done team! :-)
Let's move ahead with a stepping stone.
nc app... loved it.☺☺
Excellent Work, GOOD Job
Phate a na nahin toh ding kakinem e Pi Nemcha Pathen in phat thei naboh hen
Love to know it, we are growing fast and this is what we have been longing for. Jai Hind
It's a good step for the future of my mother land.. good job????????????
Pi Nemcha kipapi naumme. Na natoh na jouse a Pathen in naki lhonpi jing tahen.
Can't register as a member why? Pliz give me a solution
If there can be weekly/monthly interactive time
Kipgen Pi kaki pah val e nbol hoi mong2 e
Wonderfull apps...good work..
One step ahead to help community by MLA.
Proud of you Tamo
Damsod in nu nemcha kipgen
Excellent I love it
Good job.Its very useful app
Another step towards transparency
Good Apps
Great move
The first politician from Manipur to have Mobil application for good governance
A masa pen na nana chu 5 Star a ngah ve. ????
First of its kind amongst all the CM & Ministers in Manipur.
It's a good move.
I strongly support ur app ma'm
Pathen in mapui jing hen.
Love it
It will help the every poor people and help our society
Very nice application Every politician should possess such personal application where they can have direct access to local people. Nice interface loved it.
It give us the chances of connecting with our Hon'ble Minister, Social Welfare! Thanks
Amazing Initiative!!!! It will surely help in the upliftment of weaker sections of the society !!! So proud of you :)
by V####:
Very nice outstanding