Loker Cirebon

Loker Cirebon Free App

Rated 4.68/5 (118) —  Free Android application by CV. LC Media


About Loker Cirebon

LokerCirebon.com merupakan portal pencarian lowongan kerja terbaru di kota Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka dan Kuningan. Lowongan kerja yang kami sajikan didapat langsung dari perusahaan sehingga info loker nya sangat akurat dan dapat di percaya.

Aplikasi android Loker Cirebon akan membantu anda setiap harinya untuk menemukan posisi lowongan kerja sesuai dengan kriteria anda. Tunggu apalagi? Cari, Temukan dan segera Lamar..!!

Loker Cirebon sudah berdiri sejak tahun 2010, kami sudah dipercaya ratusan perusahaan sewilayah tiga cirebon. Member kami saat ini sudah lebih dari 12.000 member dan masih terus bertmabah. Pengunjung webiste LokerCirebon.com setiap harinya paling sedikit 9000 pengunjung.

Loker Cirebon berkomitmen untuk selalu jadi penghubung antara perusahaan dan pecari kerja, serta akan selalu memberikan info lowongan kerja seakurat mungkin.

Fitur andalan:
1. Selalu update setiap hari
2. Aplikasi sangat ringan dan mudah di gunakan
3. Tersedia menu cepat sesuai pendidikan
4. System favorite yang akan tersimpan apabila sewaktu-waktu dibutuhkan
dan masih banyak lagi keunggulan lainya.

Jika anda memiliki pertanyaan, kritik dan saran, silakan kirimkan sms ke nomor 0816648382.
Mohon tinggalkan ulasan dan rating bintang pada Google Play. Ulasan anda sangat berarti bagi kami untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kami.


LokerCirebon.com a search portal new jobs in the city of Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka and Kuningan. A job that we serve obtained directly from the company of his locker so that the info is very accurate and can be believed.

Lockers Cirebon android app will help you every day to find a job position according to your criteria. What are you waiting for? Search, Discover and immediately Lamar .. !!

Lockers Cirebon had stood since 2010, we have been trusted by hundreds of companies sewilayah three Cirebon. Our members are now more than 12,000 members and continues bertmabah. LokerCirebon.com webiste visitors every day at least 9000 visitors.

Lockers Cirebon is committed to always be a liaison between the company and pecari work, and will always provide job information as accurately as possible.

Features mainstay:
1. Always update every day
2. The application is very light and easy to use
3. There are fast menu appropriate education
4. System favorite to be saved at any time when needed
and many other advantages.

If you have questions, comments and suggestions, please send an sms to the number 0816648382.
Please leave a review and star rating on Google Play. Your review is very meaningful for us to improve the quality of our services.

"PROHIBITED unemployment courtship"

How to Download / Install

Download and install Loker Cirebon version 1.0 on your Android device!
APK Size: 4 MB, downloaded 500+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.lokercirebonapps.universal, download Loker Cirebon.apk

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What are users saying about Loker Cirebon

by U####:

Lebih bagus lagi dikasih range gaji untuk lowongan biar tahu kisaran berapa gaji untuk lowongan tersebut

by W####:

Aplikasinya bagus, semoga makin berkembang positif, dan saya bisa dapet kerjaan bagus dari sini. Amin

by T####:

Tampilan yang sederhana namun sangat efisien , lengkap kontennya, cepat di akses , next tambahin fitur applyjob langsung ..

by T####:


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