About 癒し家 お気楽
愛知県江南市にあります、癒し家 お気楽の公式アプリです。
江南駅より徒歩12分! 深夜24時まで営業! 日頃の疲れやお悩みは当店におまかせください! タイ古式をベースとした、もみ返しの少ない独自の手技で明日の美と健康をサポートいたします♪
キーワード:フットケア,タイ古式ボディケア,愛知県,江南市,深夜24時 Located in Aichi Prefecture Konan City, it is a healing house carefree of the official app.
A 12-minute walk from Gangnam Station! Late-night open until 24:00! Daily fatigue and worries Please leave our shop! The Thai-based, it will support the health and tomorrow of beauty in a small own procedures of fir-back ♪
Thai Body Care
Thai ancient rite to relieve tired of the whole body in the slow movement of the stretch.
Since the reasonable force acceleration to meet the customers, do not worry-back massage less burden on the body.
Fatigue tension or your whole body such as neck, shoulder, waist, back, leg, is very recommended for those where there is a female-specific worries.
foot care
After pressing the pot of the sole in the Thai-specific pressure, we are trimmed carefully loosened by the palm of the hand.
It is reasonable pleasant stimulation tailored to customers. Established a Tour of the body, it corresponds to the tired of the whole body such as neck, shoulder, hip, back, legs.
Keywords: Foot Care, Thai traditional body care, Aichi Prefecture, Konan City, midnight 24