Outsmart Mike! (Pro)

Outsmart Mike! (Pro)$8.14

Rated 5.00/5 (1) —  Free Android application by Software Candy

About Outsmart Mike! (Pro)

Sure, other people can understand what you say.

But can Software Candy's Mike understand you?

Your goal – and challenge – is to speak so that Mike can understand...

No human is perfect; neither is Mike: Making Mike understand every word you say can be tricky, and the only way to get a perfect score is by playing with him, studying him and outsmarting him!

How the game works:
1. When you start OutsmartMike, you are presented with a simple prompt: "Press the Start button, then say the phrase in the Speak box."
2. Right below the prompt there is a shiny button, labeled Start.
3. Press it and you will be greeted by Google's Voice Search dialog: "Speak Now"*
4. You'll find the text to be spoken – in tiny font
(that's part of the challenge!). Just read it aloud.
(Warning: If you speak too slowly, Mike might interpret it
as the end of your speech and you'll get a lower score.)
5. Press Start again and you will be presented with a different phrase.

*You need Google's Voice Search free app to play the game. Your phone probably already has it installed, but
if not you can easily download it for free from the Android Market.

You will soon realize that scoring a perfect 100% score is not that easy, as you are faced with several
1. Memorize the tongue twister
2. Pronounce the words correctly
3. Speak slowly enough for Mike to understand you
4. Speak quickly enough for Mike to not interrupt you
5. Study Mike's quirks (mood, temperament, stubborness...)
6. Outsmart Mike!

In addition to the 6-fold challenge fun, you can use this game to improve your pronunciation. It can also be
used as an educational tool for non-native English speakers.

The free version of OutsmartMike has only 3 different phrases and displays the spoken result in a single color (grey) along with what Mike expected to hear.

The Pro version currently offers the following benefits:

* Color highlighting of correctly recognized words (green) vs. Incorrect ones (red).
* Current phrase score
* Current session score
* Cumulative score
* 7 more tongue twisters
* User preferences (for example, reset scores, turn off highlighting for greater challenge, etc.)

We plan to add many exciting features. Stay tuned...

How to Download / Install

Download and install Outsmart Mike! (Pro) version 1.7.120816 on your Android device!
Downloaded 5+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package: com.softwarecandy.outsmartmike.googlepaid, download Outsmart Mike! (Pro).apk

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Android game

Game History & Updates

What's Changed
Fixed a bug causing the app to crash on Android 3.x and higher.
Price update  Price changed from $9.99 to $8.14.
More downloads  Outsmart Mike! (Pro) reached 5 - 10 downloads
Price update  Price changed from $8.14 to $9.99.
Price update  Price changed from $9.99 to $8.14.

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1 users