Ameya Pandilwar

Ameya Pandilwar published 23 applications on Google Play, 6,427 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.78!

Tip Calculator by Ameya PandilwarTip Calculator

Rated 4.00(4) — Ameya Pandilwar

The Tip Calculator will instantly calculate the tip for a bill and even show what the split should be for multiple people on the same bill. Just enter in the total bill amount, the desired tip percentage (15%, 18%, 20%, etc.), and how many ways (if any)..

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Website Rank Info Provider by Ameya PandilwarWebsite Rank Info Provider

Rated 2.29(7) — Ameya Pandilwar

Website Rank Info Provider is an application that allows you to see the ranking of a specific website. Find out how popular a website is to users and search engines.This can help you in determining the rank of your website compared to others. It can...

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Utilities Tool Suite by Ameya PandilwarUtilities Tool Suite

Rated 3.00(2) — Ameya Pandilwar

**NO ADS** **NO PERMISSIONS** **NO SPAM**The Utilities Tool Suite is a powerful set of tools or utilities that come in handy regularly. The suite contains a combination of three most regularly used apps in a single package i.e Hash Generator, Security...
