Bostanica Ion

Bostanica Ion published 2 applications on Google Play, 9 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.70!

Clommunicate - Project Manager by Bostanica IonClommunicate - Project Manager

Rated 4.00(4) — Bostanica Ion

A project manager with simple interface. Helps creating projects and manage the project progress by adding new members to the team and dividing projects into small tasks. Team members can communicate regarding a task through simple comment system.

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Rezina News by Bostanica IonRezina News

Rated 3.40(5) — Bostanica Ion

Această aplicaţie permite accesarea tuturor informaţiilor distribuite pe portalul web Consiliului Raional Rezina de către serviciile de informare a Consiliului Raional Rezina. Aplicaţia afișează articolele de pe portalul oficial al consiliului...

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