Cheng Hsin General Hospital

Cheng Hsin General Hospital published 2 applications on Google Play, 243 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.28!

CHGHostipal by Cheng Hsin General HospitalCHGHostipal

Rated 4.07(218) — Cheng Hsin General Hospital

The main performance of this software is to save your time in the hospital waiting to see the doctor. You can open the software at out-patients service time, check the latest progress.Also for your convenience back to the clinic, we have added an online..

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振興醫院電子處方集 by Cheng Hsin General Hospital振興醫院電子處方集

Rated 4.48(25) — Cheng Hsin General Hospital

以行動裝置方式及時呈現本院藥物使用之品項,方便臨床查詢,隨時可提供臨床藥品之資訊。振興醫院電子處方集將以下載方式於行動裝置內。其藥物資訊內容參考衛生福利部核可之藥物仿單、iMINS 及 Micromedx等資料庫,經由藥師匯整後擷取重要之藥物訊息,以作為呈現。其內容包含藥物分類、中英文藥品名、藥物照片、適應症、用法用量、交互作用等。藥物血中濃度監測及腎功能計算等注意事項都一併提供。另外,每月提供最新藥物新知,在可連接網路情況下,下載其相關檔案。

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