Federico Carnales

Federico Carnales published 2 applications on Google Play, 277,251 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.36!

LauncherPro by Federico CarnalesLauncherPro

Rated 4.50(271,091) — Federico Carnales

If you can't open it, download "ClearDefaultHome" or "Home Switcher"- Super-smooth scrolling- Animated screen previews (like Exposé or HTC Sense)- Up to 7 home screens- App drawer (2D and 3D!) with a fly-in effect and smooth scrolling- Scrollable shortcut

Free Theme POPULAR
LauncherPro Plus Unlocker by Federico CarnalesLauncherPro Plus Unlocker

Rated 4.21(6,160) — Federico Carnales

Important: PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE DESCRIPTION BEFORE PURCHASING!Notice: Due to recent changes in the Gmail app that prevent 3rd party apps from accessing your inbox, the LauncherPro Gmail widget is not working with version 2.3.5+ of the Gmail app. If...
