Gabriel Nahum

Gabriel Nahum published 2 applications on Google Play, 31 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.45!

C—Color by Gabriel NahumC—Color

Rated 3.14(7) — Gabriel Nahum

Don't let color-blindness affect you, C-Color can help. C-Color is an application that helps people with color-blindness. The user can capture an image and change the colors to black or white. In addition to helping colorblind people see hidden messages..

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Watermelon by Gabriel NahumWatermelon

Rated 3.75(24) — Gabriel Nahum

Because determining watermelon ripeness is extremely hard, Watermelon Scanner calculates it for you!!! This application examines whether a watermelon is ripe, by simply pressing a button. It will scan the watermelon for an ideal color using pattern recogn

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