Jinno Magno

Jinno Magno published 2 applications on Google Play, 16 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.90!

e Digits (Euler's Number) by Jinno Magnoe Digits (Euler's Number)

Rated 5.00(6) — Jinno Magno

Simple app to see 2,000 digits of e, Euler's Number. You can also test your memory on the first 2,000 digits of e. The format of the test is similar to the Pi digit test found in the Pi Day Guide app.

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Pi Day Guide by Jinno MagnoPi Day Guide

Rated 4.80(10) — Jinno Magno

Free, simple app that provides information on Pi Day. Includes a Pi Digit Memory Test activity to check your knowledge of the first 2,000 Pi digits. You may also view the first 2,000 digits. This app also presents some tidbits on the holiday and the...

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