Junichi Uekawa

Junichi Uekawa published 4 applications on Google Play, 314 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.56!

a mixi diary client by Junichi Uekawaa mixi diary client

Rated 3.44(153) — Junichi Uekawa

a client that shows new diary entries from mixi.This is not an official application. This application is not affiliated with Mixi Inc.

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eval your javascript code by Junichi Uekawaeval your javascript code

Rated 3.08(38) — Junichi Uekawa

Enter your javascript code in text box, and click eval, to obtain the result.A simple tool which might be useful in checking with javascript while you commute, or doing some simple maths.

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count from 1 to 9 by Junichi Uekawacount from 1 to 9

Rated 4.00(4) — Junichi Uekawa

Please tap numbers from 1 to 9. A big challenge for 2 year olds.

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Top by Junichi UekawaTop

Rated 3.71(119) — Junichi Uekawa

Toy application to show output of 'top' command in Android.'top' command gives you detailed view of which process is taking how much CPU and memory.1.1: now you can scroll

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