
martinandoapp published 66 applications on Google Play, 160 people rated these apps with an average rating of 1.51!

Vagina Smell Good by martinandoappVagina Smell Good

Rated 0.00(0) — martinandoapp

While many women do not like the smell of their own vagina, the fact of the matter is that a healthy vagina doesn't smell bad. A healthy vagina naturally contains a wealth of bacteria which keep it in working order and clean, much like your other internal

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Vaginal Healthy by martinandoappVaginal Healthy

Rated 0.00(0) — martinandoapp

You may have been taught early on to cleanse your vagina daily with strong soap or "feminine hygiene" sprays, but these practices can actually do more harm than good. To have a healthy vagina, clean the area with medium-hot water only to avoid disrupting.

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Wind Sounds by martinandoappWind Sounds

Rated 3.00(1) — martinandoapp

Sounds of the wind, the sound of trees and leaves are sounds of nature, which to help you relax and fall asleep, so regenerate strength after a difficult and exhausting day.If you need a relaxing time or have a problem with sleeping these sounds of wind..

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Vaginal Dryness by martinandoappVaginal Dryness

Rated 3.67(3) — martinandoapp

Vaginal dryness is a common problem for many women. Usually benign, it can be caused by certain medications, menopause, or hormonal imbalances. There are a variety of treatment options for vaginal dryness, ranging from lubricants and creams to hormonal...

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Wash Your Vagina by martinandoappWash Your Vagina

Rated 5.00(1) — martinandoapp

Vaginal odors are noisy, but all women have their own natural odor, often described as "musky". There is nothing to do with shame or worry. There are even natural substances that can slightly alter it without worry, like some fruits, or during the menses.

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علاج حب الشباب by martinandoappعلاج حب الشباب

Rated 5.00(1) — martinandoapp

إذا كنت تعاني من حب الشباب، أنت لست بمفردك. حب الشباب مرض شائع يحدث عندما تسد الزيوت وخلايا الجلد الميتة مسام الجلد. عادًة ما يظهر على الوجه...

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