
OfflineLearningLtd published 64 applications on Google Play, 32 people rated these apps with an average rating of 0.96!

Learn AIML Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn AIML Offline

Rated 4.50(2) — OfflineLearningLtd

AIML stands for Artificial Intelligence Modelling Language. AIML is an XML based markup language meant to create artificial intelligent applications. AIML makes it possible to create human interfaces while keeping the implementation simple to program...

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Learn Apache Ant Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn Apache Ant Offline

Rated 4.00(1) — OfflineLearningLtd

Apache Ant is a build tool based on Java from Apache Software Foundation. Apache Ant's build files are written in XML and they take advantage of being open standard, portable and easy to understand.This tutorial should show you how to use Apache ANT...

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Learn Arduino Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn Arduino Offline

Rated 0.00(0) — OfflineLearningLtd

Traduire la description en Français à l'aide de Google Traduction ? TraduireArduino is a prototype platform (open-source) based on an easy-to-use hardware and software. It consists of a circuit board, which can be programed (referred to as a microcontroll

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Learn Assembly Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn Assembly Offline

Rated 4.00(4) — OfflineLearningLtd

Download and learn now!Assembly language is a low-level programming language for a computer or other programmable device specific to a particular computer architecture in contrast to most high-level programming languages, which are generally portable...

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Learn AWT Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn AWT Offline

Rated 0.00(0) — OfflineLearningLtd

JAVA provides a rich set of libraries to create Graphical User Interface in platform independent way. In this article we'll look in AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit).This tutorial is designed for Software Professionals who are willing to learn JAVA GUI Progra

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Learn C# Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn C# Offline

Rated 0.00(0) — OfflineLearningLtd

C# is a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft within its .NET initiative led by Anders Hejlsberg. This tutorial will teach you basic C# programming and will also take you through various advanced...

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Learn CakePHP Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn CakePHP Offline

Rated 3.67(3) — OfflineLearningLtd

CakePHP is one of the best open-source frameworks for PHP. It is intended to make developing, deploying and maintaining applications much easier. CakePHP is based on an MVC-like architecture that is both powerful and easy to grasp. Models, Views, and...

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Learn Clojure Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn Clojure Offline

Rated 0.00(0) — OfflineLearningLtd

Learn now, then or at any time with this self learning app for clojure. Enjoy reading without the need of internet.Clojure is a high level, dynamic functional programming language. It is designed, based on the LISP programming language, and has compilers.

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Learn CouchDB Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn CouchDB Offline

Rated 1.00(1) — OfflineLearningLtd

This tutorial provides a brief knowledge about CouchDB, the procedures to set it up, and the ways to interact with CouchDB server using cURL and Futon. It also tells how to create, update and delete databases and documents.This learning application helps.

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Learn Django Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn Django Offline

Rated 3.00(2) — OfflineLearningLtd

Django is a web development framework that assists in building and maintaining quality web applications. Django helps eliminate repetitive tasks making the development process an easy and time saving experience. This tutorial gives a complete understandin

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Learn Angular 2 Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn Angular 2 Offline

Rated 5.00(3) — OfflineLearningLtd

Angular 2 is an open source JavaScript framework to build web applications in HTML and JavaScript and has been conceived as a mobile first approach.This tutorial is designed for software professionals who want to learn the basics of AngularJS 2 and its...

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Learn Apex Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn Apex Offline

Rated 1.00(1) — OfflineLearningLtd

Apex is a proprietary language which has been developed by Apex is a strongly typed, object-oriented programming language that allows developers to execute flow and transaction control statements on the platform server in conjunc

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Learn ASP.NET MVC Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn ASP.NET MVC Offline

Rated 4.50(2) — OfflineLearningLtd

ASP.NET MVC is an open-source software from Microsoft. Its web development framework combines the features of MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, the most up-to-date ideas and techniques from Agile development and the best parts of the existing...

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Learn Aurelia Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn Aurelia Offline

Rated 0.00(0) — OfflineLearningLtd

We all know that Aurelia is a modern, open source UI framework for web and mobile app development. It allows you to write clean, modular JavaScript. The framework follows simple conventions and it is focused on web standards.These learning pages are...

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Learn BackboneJS Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn BackboneJS Offline

Rated 5.00(1) — OfflineLearningLtd

Learn now about BackboneJS, it's a light-weight JavaScript library that allows you to develop and structure client side applications that run in a web browser. It offers MVC framework which abstracts data into models, DOM (Document Object Model) into...

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Learn C++ Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn C++ Offline

Rated 0.00(0) — OfflineLearningLtd

Learning can't be easier with this app for android!C++ is a middle-level programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs. C++ runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX.This.

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Learn CherryPy Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn CherryPy Offline

Rated 0.00(0) — OfflineLearningLtd

Learn faster, without googling, at one place. Download now!CherryPy allows developers to build web applications in much the same way they would build any other object-oriented Python program. This results in smaller source code developed in less time...

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Learn CodeIgniter Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn CodeIgniter Offline

Rated 0.00(0) — OfflineLearningLtd

Did you know that CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. CodeIgniter was created by EllisLab, and is now a project of the...

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Learn cPanel Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn cPanel Offline

Rated 5.00(1) — OfflineLearningLtd

If you are a beginner or experienced sys admin or hoster this guide will help you get to specific information the fastest without internet about cPanel.cPanel is a Linux-based web hosting control panel. It provides graphical user interface and is packed..

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Learn DocumentDB Offline by OfflineLearningLtdLearn DocumentDB Offline

Rated 0.00(0) — OfflineLearningLtd

DocumentDB is Microsoft's newest NoSQL document database platform that runs on Azure. DocumentDB is designed keeping in mind the requirements of managing data for latest applications. This tutorial explains the basics of DocumentDB with illustrative...

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