TMF Labs

TMF Labs published 29 applications on Google Play, 14 people rated these apps with an average rating of 1.55!

Budidaya Ikan Cupang by TMF LabsBudidaya Ikan Cupang

Rated 0.00(0) — TMF Labs

Ikan cupang merupakan salah satu ikan hias yang mudah dipelihara. Budidaya ikan cupang tidak memerlukan tempat luas dan modal yang besar. Bisa dilakukan sebagai usaha rumahan.Ikan cupang (Betta sp.) adalah ikan air tawar dari daerah tropis. Banyak ditemuk

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Budidaya Pepaya California by TMF LabsBudidaya Pepaya California

Rated 4.00(2) — TMF Labs

Pepaya California merupakan Salah satu buah favorit yang paling banyak diminati di Indonesia. Permintaan pasokan pepaya California cukup besar baik permintaan untuk pasar tradisional maupun supermarket. Dengan permintaan yang cukup besar peluang budidaya.

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Business Startup by TMF LabsBusiness Startup

Rated 0.00(0) — TMF Labs

The old company, most of which is a new company, is in the stage of development and research to find the right markets.In this application there is english and indonesian languageFor the development of this application, if any criticism and suggestions...

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Cara Mengecilkan Perut Buncit by TMF LabsCara Mengecilkan Perut Buncit

Rated 0.00(0) — TMF Labs

Mengecilkan perut buncit sebenarnya tidak terlalu sulit. Hal yang perlu dilakukan tentunya adalah melakukan pola hidup sehat, yaitu mengonsumsi makanan sehat dan bergaya hidup lebih aktif atau rajin berolahraga. Mengecilkan perut buncit dengan olahraga...

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Dzikir and Prayer of Pregnant Woman by TMF LabsDzikir and Prayer of Pregnant Woman

Rated 0.00(0) — TMF Labs

One of the greatest energies for a pregnant woman in the face of difficulties is a lot of dhikr and pray to God. Feelings of joy, fear, worry and other feelings are often experienced by women who are pregnant or will give birth. Then multiply remember...

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Guide Open The Inner Eye by TMF LabsGuide Open The Inner Eye

Rated 0.00(0) — TMF Labs

The science of the Inner Eye is a spiritual science which, when practiced, one will have the ability to read and understand the contents of the hearts and minds of others, to see and communicate with supernatural beings, to observe, predict the future...

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Hydroponic Cultivation by TMF LabsHydroponic Cultivation

Rated 0.00(0) — TMF Labs

Hydroponics is the cultivation of planting by utilizing water without using soil by emphasizing the fulfillment of nutritional needs for plants.The water requirement on hydroponics is less than the water requirement on cultivation with the soil.In this...

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Mandatory Bath Guide by TMF LabsMandatory Bath Guide

Rated 0.00(0) — TMF Labs

Bathing is required to bathe by using holy water and clean (absolute water) which purifies by draining the water throughout the body from head to toe.In this application there are two that is english and indonesian languageFor the development of this...

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Panduan Diet Sehat Alami by TMF LabsPanduan Diet Sehat Alami

Rated 0.00(0) — TMF Labs

Diet yang sehat bukanlah diet yang membuat Anda sakit, melainkan diet yang meningkatkan kesehatan tubuh. Oleh karena itu, jika ingin menurunkan berat badan ada baiknya mengetahui makanan apa yang baik dikonsumsi dan tidak. Anda juga perlu menyeimbangkanny

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Pocket Book Umrah and Hajj by TMF LabsPocket Book Umrah and Hajj

Rated 0.00(0) — TMF Labs

Hajj and Umrah is a spiritual activity in which there is sacrifice, expression of gratitude, doing good with the willingness of heart, carrying out the command of Allah, and realizing a big meeting with other Muslims around the worldIn this application...

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Budidaya Ikan Lele by TMF LabsBudidaya Ikan Lele

Rated 0.00(0) — TMF Labs

Ikan Lele (Clarias Sp) Merupakan Salah Satu Jenis Ikan Konsumsi Air Tawar. Ikan Lele Termasuk Ikan Jenis Catfish Atau Kata Lain Ikan Yang Memiliki Kumis. Ciri Dari Ikan Lele Yaitu Bentuk Tubuh Memanjang Dan Agak Bulat, Pada Sirip Dada Terdapat Duri Yang..

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Budidaya Tanaman Jambu by TMF LabsBudidaya Tanaman Jambu

Rated 0.00(0) — TMF Labs

Jambu adalah salah satu tanaman buah jenis perdu . Tanaman ini berasal dari Brazilia Amerika Tengah, menyebar ke Thailand kemudian ke negara Asia lainnya seperti Indonesia. Hingga saat ini telah dibudidayakan & menyebar luas di daerah-daerah Jawa. Jambu..

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Cara Memutihkan Kulit Wajah by TMF LabsCara Memutihkan Kulit Wajah

Rated 0.00(0) — TMF Labs

Banyak orang yang menginginkan wajah putih akan pergi ke dokter. Namun, memutihkan wajah dengan bahan alami tidak ada salahnya anda coba karena dijamin aman. Selain itu, dengan menggunakan bahan alami juga tidak akan ada risikonya. Berikut bahan alami...

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Chili Farming by TMF LabsChili Farming

Rated 3.00(2) — TMF Labs

Red chili is one of the most attractive agricultural commodities. At certain moments, the price can rise many times. At other moments can go down to worthless. This makes red pepper cultivation a challenge for farmers.In addition to price fluctuations...

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Family Medicinal Plants by TMF LabsFamily Medicinal Plants

Rated 0.00(0) — TMF Labs

Family medicinal plant is a cultivated crop that is efficacious as a medicine. The family medicine garden is essentially a plot of land, whether in the yard, garden or field used to cultivate medicinal plants as medicinal in order to meet the family's...

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Gymnastics of Pregnant Women by TMF LabsGymnastics of Pregnant Women

Rated 5.00(1) — TMF Labs

In pregnant women is needed a healthy body and fit, strived by eating regularly, enough rest and if the body according to the dose.The most appropriate type of body work for pregnant women is pregnancy exercise, adjusted for the number of physical changes

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Kitab Fathul Izar by TMF LabsKitab Fathul Izar

Rated 5.00(1) — TMF Labs

Kitab ini kecil dan ringkas, tapi high kualitas dan besar manfaatnya. Memuat beberapa faidah penting tentang pernikahan, meliputi senggama, rahasia di balik waktu melakukannya, tatacaranya, serta rahasia dan keunikan penciptaan seorang gadis. Saya menyusu

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Padang Food Recipes by TMF LabsPadang Food Recipes

Rated 5.00(1) — TMF Labs

Padang cuisine is the name used to describe all types of cuisine originating from Minangkabau area, West Sumatera province, Indonesia. All types of cuisine is more popularly known as Padang cuisine.In this application there are two languages english...

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Panduan Memutihkan Gigi by TMF LabsPanduan Memutihkan Gigi

Rated 0.00(0) — TMF Labs

Gigi merupakan bagian keras yang tak terpisahkan dari manusia. Gigi yang sehat akan berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap tampilan seseorang. Gigi yang terdiri dari lapisan email, tulang gigi, rongga gigi, leher gigi, akar gigi, dan semen gigi ini harus.

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Practice Inner Power by TMF LabsPractice Inner Power

Rated 0.00(0) — TMF Labs

The power test is not the same as learning kanuragan that involves physical movement or strengthen the body with the aim of increasing physical energy. Inner Power is the subtle energy that exists in everyone without being aware of and how to increase...

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