Spaces - Small group sharing

Spaces - Small group sharing Free App

Rated 4.18/5 (5,752) —  Free Android application by Google Inc.

About Spaces - Small group sharing

Spaces is an app for small group sharing.

• Create a space for any topic in one tap
• Invite friends or family any way you like with a quick link
• Google Search, Chrome, Photos and YouTube built into the sharebox
• Members of a space can comment on each post
• Quickly find anything in your spaces by searching keywords

Create a space in one tap, and invite people any way you like with a quick link. With Google Search, Chrome, YouTube, and Google Photos built in, you can find and share articles, videos, and photos from within the app. And when you need to get back to something you recently saw in one of your spaces, use the search feature to find it in a snap.

From study groups to house hunting to weekend trips and more, Spaces helps you get a group together quickly to share things about any topic.

How to Download / Install

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APK Size: 9.1 MB, downloaded 100,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
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What are users saying about Spaces - Small group sharing

by U####:

Integration with Google services like docs, slides, drive, etc. Not ready to replace any of my apps, but it looks like it has promise. Needs some way of actual collaboration with the space in question.

by C####:

Beautiful concept. Quite limited. It really needs a delete and edit option and comments as well as a restricted spaces (certain users, single administrator). Maybe also a "swipe away" for items that don't interest me any more but shall not be deleted. And I'd like to be able to upload and share arbitrary files. (if this was an add-on for hangout group chats, this would be awesome)

by C####:

Here's an idea: after breaking G+'s useful features like events, why not kill more features, put a clever skin on it and throw it on the play store? I present: spaces (because honestly it still need to be filled in)

by C####:

I can't use spaces, cause my Google school email is not available for it. You should enable it ,so students can try it out for projects .

by C####:

You guys are supposed to be the innovators and the standard by which others follow. It's seems to me with your messaging/social media focus that your just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. I now have messenger/hangouts/Google+/Allo & Duo/Space/Gmail/inbox and not too mention Google voice. All its doing is separating the user base, causing WAY too much confusion and giving me headaches keeping up with the people and things that I care about. Get it together and simplify all these products

by C####:

We have G+, Hangouts, Messenger and other fragmented apps like Allo & Duo coming up. I don't understand the purpose of this app when you already have Google communities. Perhaps this should have been built into G+ to interact with your communities. Nice UI, but unable to understand it's purpose.

by R####:

I'd love to use it but unfortunately Barclays is a pain in the bum with their ambition to sell me their ugly contactless key fobs instead of leting me free to use my account with Android Pay!!! No worries, I just googled and found out that HSBC can migrate/port my old Barclays account to them for FREE. With all the direct debits, outstanding orders, salary being paid in etc . Lucky me, because HSBC is collaborating with Android Pay!

by C####:

It says that it works and it says to enable the option the the Google Apps control panel. There is no option to enable this in the Google Apps admin control panel. I have all Google Apps and Additional Google Services enabled and it still doesn't work.

by C####:

Using for my Physics group that has 4 members. It's a good concept just the only thing is you can't share files from your phone(excel, word, etc). The only way I found around this is to share a link from my onedrive. Allowing this app to access my onedrive, or any cloud base service, then share the selected files would be amazing.

by C####:

I'm confused as to what makes this unique and worth investing time in. It overlaps many other services and doesn't appear to excel at anything.

by E####:

I don't know what Google is trying to do with this. Is limited, useless, unless they advertise it peor won't know what it is, edit post are difficult and I don't understand the purpose of this. Complicated.

by C####:

Sharing means to be able to download and upload things but this app doesn't allow this simple thing

by C####:

It places comments on top of the photo view and ruins the viewing experience. There doesn't appear to be an option to view photos without having comments placed on top.

by R####:

It's a nice concept and I like to use it, but I feels like it's not ready yet. I would expect topics with new unread messages to show up first in the list, I would also expect some indication of a new unread message. Sadly it lacks both. Also, why can't I share links and pictures into a certain topic or discussion? These are all simple things that one could expect from a social/messaging app.

by E####:

Kind of liked the app. It is basically Google+ Collection for me. I don't know exactly what problem the app is intended to solve, but is seems like a better version of Google Keep. The way each post appears is very nice: it is just like a wall filled with post-its, so is seemed very inspiring for me.

by C####:

Potentially good, if Google doesn't give up on it. It's ad-hoc internet forum software combined with a scrapbook, for arbitrary groups of people. The app is rather nice looking. I love that they released with a fully functional web interface. Right now, I'm using it with a good friend to joke about random internet stuff, and I like it so far. Note that this is NOT a traditional messaging app or a social network; I feel that it should be part of Google+, as each Google Space works like a private version of a Google+ Community. From the outside, it doesn't feel like Google has any idea what it wants do do for communications, so it tries everything. Now for the negatives. I am afraid to use it too much, because Google might kill it off in a year. The app is slow and it hangs often when loading. Information density is pretty low. Notifications do NOT sync between the web interface and the app; and it is very annoying to manually clear notifications on my phone when using the web client.

by C####:

Missing features: - Edit comments - Edit posts - Copy text (!!!) - posts bubble up depending on activity (at least a setting to enable this) - Performance of both web and android app needs improvement Apart from these, this a good app

by J####:

uninspiring, not sure what this is trying to solve. Tried it with a few friends and none of us have opened it after about 10 posts. Way too many fragmented apps Google, get it together. Hangouts, G+, Photos, Allo, Duo, Spaces - can we not get a single consistent experience that integrates with our lives?

by I####:

It looks good at first... Something new but an important thing is missing or may be m not aware how to do that. There is no option to copy/paste/forward any message in other spaces or threads. Without forward option we cannot share content with others.

by C####:

Spaces does not do anything that G+ can't. Really nice UI design but the effort should have been put into the existing services like Google plus. If people could be more engaged on the Google social network or even interact with groups and communities without being registered people may use it more. Hell, instead of spending millions fragmenting your own products, spend money on improving your current products.

by J####:

It would be better if you could send music and video files from your internal memory. I can do that with what's app with one click. Please include this feature in future updates. This would be huge....

by C####:

Topics, links, news and researches in visuals cards and shared privately. Need add documents share.

by O####:

I really like this app and think it solves the issue of multiple conversations and reference material spread in different locations but applying to the same group of people. I see excellent utility both personally and in the Enterprise. I really hope this comes to Apps for Work and gets a robust API for integrations! Great work so far, Google.

by C####:

UI is dope. Loved it. Please add edit/delete option for the conversation.Also, add file sharing option directly from Docs, Sheets. Etc.

by C####:

Close to being worth while, needs gmail, calendar and keep integration. I know it would be too much to ask for facebook integration as well, but make this app worth it otherwise it'll die

by C####:

Amazing. It'd be worth a million dollars if you add an instant reply convention, like that of Hangouts, and the ability to send across files from G Drive.

by C####:

Although we have Facebook groups, Google Spaces has quite a clean layout and material design

by J####:

Some reviewers area missing the point of this app: content sharing to groups of people that you know. It handles this better than any other cross-platform solution. While it organizes each post as a separate thread (which can be deleted), that feature makes organization of topics possible. Yes, it duplicates MANY existing features, but it brings some new things, too. Give it a try.

by C####:

I am currently using this to collaborate with two other people but I am unable to see all the content posted from one person. Either on the phone or on the web. Hopefully there is a solution or fix for this issue soon.

by C####:

This is provably as close to perfect as an app can get. Its using material design and showing how great that can be when personalized to give an app character. The interactions within a space are great its like a private facebook where there is no concept of sharing with friends of friends. its just u and the few ppl u wanna work with on something or chat with about something. Great for work, friends and family. Allows for isolation of ppl and thoughts. Each post becomes its own thought within that space(group). u have a conversation around that thought and then move on to the next thought. I also like the way the low priority feature of managing your activity is redirected to web since there probably wasnt time to polish it enough to make it part of the application for the release date. But that is a great idea and i will probably suggest that to a few folks. Cheers

by Y####:

I like the idea of this app and the interface! Its perfect for project groups too and also brings an element of fun to your work. But for that it would nice to have the ability to also upload any kind of files too ... Documents for instance ... And not just be limited to pictures, web- and video links.

by C####:

This is a great app to express your talent in front of the world.And to get popular among the world. Thanks for Google for launching this app.

by C####:

Sharing is mostly done on facebook, whatsapp & twitter.

by P####:

Nothing more than a severity stripped out and limited clone of Google+ Communities. Why clone an already existing service when you should be improving the already existing service?

by C####:

A day after I installed the app, it spammed a notification asking me to use the app. Instant uninstall.

by C####:

Edit comment option should be provided for member and an Administrator as well. Thanks Google

by C####:

I think this app is great. Better than Google + it's more use friendly. And flows well. My only complaint is the font size of the blog posted. It's literally like 24 size font. Why?!?!? Please make the font smaller so you can see more of the blog at a time and it would be perfect.

by C####:

I would like to see offline messaging like WhatsApp. Inter space forwarding. Sharing audio and video files in drive or internal storage from the spaces instead of sharing from drive.

by C####:

Not a full scale project manager, but more useful than an email thread. Good for collaborative brain storming and simple planning.

by S####:

There are lot more alternatives available. You should get us chat option or integrate hangout with it built.

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