
MobiXprexx published 204 applications on Google Play, 79 people rated these apps with an average rating of 0.70!

Motivation at Work by MobiXprexxMotivation at Work

Rated 5.00(1) — MobiXprexx

The stress caused by a lack of motivation can be highly unpleasant. You know you are capable of doing a better job, yet your energy and enthusiasm just isn't there.No matter how much you try to focus, something else always gets in the way of your goal...

Moving House Stress by MobiXprexxMoving House Stress

Rated 0.00(0) — MobiXprexx

Moving house and setting up in a new home may sound superficially exciting, but anyone who's been through it can tell you that the process can exact a high toll in stress. In fact, stress polls regularly put it above illness and even divorce for impact...

Nervous Breakdown by MobiXprexxNervous Breakdown

Rated 0.00(0) — MobiXprexx

If you feel close to having a nervous breakdown right now you are probably feeling like you have hit rock bottom.Many people who are close to a nervous breakdown feel a million miles from their real self. Feelings of anger, negativity, exhaustion and...

Newly Single by MobiXprexxNewly Single

Rated 5.00(1) — MobiXprexx

It can be daunting to suddenly be single again after a relationship ends. This is especially true if it was a long relationship - you can feel as if you have forgotten how to be single!At first it can feel like a struggle to regain confidence as an indepe

Non-Surgical Face Lift by MobiXprexxNon-Surgical Face Lift

Rated 3.00(2) — MobiXprexx

Considering a face-lift? Before you go under the knife, consider what a non-surgical face lift using hypnosis could do for you.Some lines and wrinkles are an inevitable part of aging but stress, strain and tension create grooves in facial skin leaving...

Obsessive Compulsive Cleaning by MobiXprexxObsessive Compulsive Cleaning

Rated 0.00(0) — MobiXprexx

Depending on its severity, compulsive house cleaning can be a form of obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD. It's great to be clean, tidy and hygienic but when cleaning the house becomes an overriding obsession which dictates your thinking then something..

Over Competitive by MobiXprexxOver Competitive

Rated 0.00(0) — MobiXprexx

Has being over competitive caused you problems?Do you wonder if it's possible to stop wanting to compete over everything?Being overly competitive can harm your relationships with people who matter to you, and rob you of the chance to enjoy many wonderful.

Overcoming Shyness by MobiXprexxOvercoming Shyness

Rated 0.00(0) — MobiXprexx

It's really frustrating to see people around you enjoying themselves, easily talking and laughing with each other, and to feel completely out of it. Shyness and social anxiety can affect anyone, and it can really make social occasions difficult. It can...

Patience with Aging Parents by MobiXprexxPatience with Aging Parents

Rated 0.00(0) — MobiXprexx

Does it seem impossible to truly be patient with aging parents?Are the frustrations of caring for elderly relatives getting you down?People laugh about the 'generation gap', but that gap is no laughing matter when you find yourself having to provide...

Priorities in Life by MobiXprexxPriorities in Life

Rated 0.00(0) — MobiXprexx

Who sets your life priorities for you?You? Or other people?Advertisers would have you believe that choice is freedom. But they neglect to tell you that you have no choice about choosing. Every waking moment, you are choosing. Whether you like it or not...

Mountain Hike by MobiXprexxMountain Hike

Rated 0.00(0) — MobiXprexx

Nobody living in the modern world can have failed to notice how stressful our lives tend to be these days. Pressure and strain come at us from every direction - politics, the economy, family life, society, the environment, jobs, health - you name it...

Natural Anti-Aging by MobiXprexxNatural Anti-Aging

Rated 0.00(0) — MobiXprexx

Does the prospect of aging depress you? What images and words do you associate with aging? Slow, weak, defeated, frail, dull, downhill, over the hill, shrunken, past it, confused, cranky, feeble, and senile?Well think again.Research shows that having...

Nervous Cough by MobiXprexxNervous Cough

Rated 0.00(0) — MobiXprexx

Have you become self-conscious about coughing or clearing your throat when there is no real reason to?Do you find that it feels impossible to stop doing this merely by effort of will?First, it is very important to check with your medical professional...

News Addiction by MobiXprexxNews Addiction

Rated 0.00(0) — MobiXprexx

Has news addiction crept up on you and started to take over your life?Do you constantly feel an urge to 'just check' the news - on TV, radio and all your favorite internet news sites?Nobody likes to show up at the pub or the office or even a party looking

Obsessive Checking by MobiXprexxObsessive Checking

Rated 0.00(0) — MobiXprexx

Depending on its severity, obsessive checking can be a form of obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD. Unrealistic levels of anxiety become attached to checking locks, gas or even the positions of things until checking takes over your life entirely.The...

OCD Treatment by MobiXprexxOCD Treatment

Rated 0.00(0) — MobiXprexx

Are you tormented by the pressures of obsessive compulsive disorder?Do you have to run your life around seemingly pointless repetitive rituals and behaviors in order to get any peace of mind?People who have never experienced obsessive compulsive disorder.

Overcome Insecurity by MobiXprexxOvercome Insecurity

Rated 0.00(0) — MobiXprexx

Feeling insecure can shake the very foundations of your life. Whether you're at work, out with friends, or at home, the feeling that something is going to go wrong can make things much harder than they need to be.Most people feel insecure at some point...

Painkiller Addiction by MobiXprexxPainkiller Addiction

Rated 1.00(1) — MobiXprexx

Do you know (or think) you have become addicted to your painkillers?Are you worried about how you'll cope if you stop taking them?Analgesics are a veritable godsend to millions of people whose lives would be immensely more difficult without them. We...

Powerful Voice by MobiXprexxPowerful Voice

Rated 0.00(0) — MobiXprexx

Do you need a more powerful voice?Do you want people to hear you properly and take you seriously when you speak?Your voice is like your fingerprints - totally unique to you. Even if you have the same accent as other people around you, or use the same...

Quick Confidence Booster by MobiXprexxQuick Confidence Booster

Rated 0.00(0) — MobiXprexx

Is a lack of self confidence making life harder for you than it needs to be?Do nerves make you self conscious and hesitant, so that you don't give of your best, or get the best for yourself?Low self confidence can make life tricky - and sometimes downrigh
